filipino martial arts

Stick Fighting systems

 True to the essence of JKD, Shawn Zirger continues to study many different martial arts and holds instructor level ranks in Jeet Kune Do, Filipino Martial Arts and Silat as well as the title of Dog Brother for his many bouts fighting full contact with sticks. Shawn is very active in his own training, upgrading his knowledge and opening new lines of study. 

 Shawn travels to remote and dangerous parts of the world to learn the deadliest fighting arts on this planet.

  • Dog Brothers fighter 'Wandering Dog'
  • Inosanto Academy Instructor
  • Paul Vunak Progressive Fighting Systems
  • Studied in 7 styles of Silat
  • Over 10 years of training in South East Asia training with Grand Masters of FMA and Silat
  • Acuire knowledege from professional and culteral credible sources
  • Practice the content in its original context
  • Test the practitioner and content in the crucible of combat.
  • International Instructor
  • Read more about what we teach

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    Fighting Arts Collective

    (416) 528-7246 /