
Our Martial arts instructors are fierce, disciplined, and inspiring mentors who push students to their limits. They master powerful techniques, from lightning-fast strikes to precise defensive maneuvers. With wisdom and intensity, they instill confidence, strength, and resilience, transforming students into skilled warriors ready to face any challenge!

Our Instructors

Shawn Zirger

Shawn Zirger

About Shawn

  1. Weapond, Silat, JKD, FMA
Romel Espiritu

Romelle Espiritu

About Romelle

  1. Weapons, FMA
Mike Allen

Mike Allen

About Mike

  1. Weapond, Silat, Muay Thai, FMA
Sze Yang

Sze Yang

About Sze Yang

  1. Wing Chun, After School Instructor

Karen Suzuki

About Karen

  1. Wing Chun

Max Arambulo


  1. Wing Chun