
Our Martial arts instructors are fierce, disciplined, and inspiring mentors who push students to their limits. They master powerful techniques, from lightning-fast strikes to precise defensive maneuvers. With wisdom and intensity, they instill confidence, strength, and resilience, transforming students into skilled warriors ready to face any challenge!

Our Instructors

Shawn Zirger

Shawn Zirger

  1. Weapond, Silat, JKD, FMA
  2. Accomplishments:

    • Dog Brothers fighter 'Wandering Dog'
    • Inosanto Academy Instructor
    • Paul Vunak Progressive Fighting Systems
    • Studied in 7 styles of Silat
    • Over 10 years of training in South East Asia training with Grand Masters of FMA and Silat

    Shawn's Training Philosophy:

    • Acuire knowledege from professional and culteral credible sources
    • Practice the content in its original context
    • Test the practitioner and content in the crucible of combat.

    Facts about Shawn:

    1. Loves motor bikes and Sail boats

    About Shawn:

    True to the essence of JKD, Shawn continues to study many different martial arts and holds instructor level ranks in Jeet Kune Do, Filipino Martial Arts and Silat as well as the title of Dog Brother for his many bouts fighting full contact with sticks. Shawn is very active in his own training, upgrading his knowledge and opening new lines of study.

    Biggest Challenge:

    Going to remote and dangerous parts of the world to learn the deadliest fighting arts on this planet

David Naidu

David Naidu

  1. Silat
  2. Accomplishments:

    • Over 20yrs of practice

    David's Training Philosophy:

    • Learn something new every time you train.
    • Mental just as much as physical.
    • Creativity built on solid fundamentals.

    Fun Facts about David:

    1. Loves old school Roller Skating
    2. Sci-Fi fantasy novels
    3. Nature and animal conservation

    About David:

    David's passion for functional training stems from his love for staying in shape. He found inspiration in Bruce Lee and was captivated by Silat, which has become one of the most positive influences in his life. For David, Silat represents the perfect combination of physical athleticism and mental strategy.

Karmit Ifrah

Karmit Ifrah

  1. Yoga Fusion
  2. Accomplishments:

    • Received first 250hr certification in 2012
    • Continued to enrich her studies and obtain designation in different forms of yoga and Mat Pilates
    • Mindfulness ambassador certification

    Karmit's Training Philosophy:

    • Staying true to oneself, free of self-judgment through the practice of presence, connectedness between breath and movement that will lead to personal growth

    Fun Facts about Karmit:

    1. Spends hundreds of hours exploring different kinds of movements, from variations of dance forms, mat Pilates and different styles of yoga to deepen her understanding of how to connect to physical and emotional being

    About Karmit:

    Karmit’s passion for yoga began when she was pregnant and joined a prenatal yoga class. She fell in love with the practice and has felt the benefits pretty much right away. Karmt has learned to pay attention to how her body responds and feels through the practice of breath and movement, She appreciated the opportunity to connect to other mom’s and find an outlet to release her physical stressors and emotional concerns, She found a community.

Sze Yang

Sze Yang

About Sze Yang

  1. Wing Chun, After School Senior Instructor

Jerome Ang

About Jerome

  1. After School